Hunger/Sulten kommer mens man spiser

sound and video installation, Århus and København 2008

Sulten kommer mens man spiser (Hunger) is an interactive sound and video installation by Signe Lidén Annesofie Norn with Per Platou as sound designer. The installation was shown in Århus and Copenhagen November and December 2008.




Sulten kommer mens man spiser’ (hunger comes while eating) is an audio/visual installation in which four audiences are replacing four invisible characters around a table. Each visiter is wearing a set of headphones enabling him or her to hear the characters inner thoughts and subjective version of the conversation around the table. The visiter experiences following four different variations of the same dinner, by moving from place to place. Here is a meeting between the physical world, the staging of the audience and the parallel acoustic universe created.

As an intimately included spectator, you would be a member of the family; the grandmother, who has her 70-year birthday celebrated, her daughter, the son in law or the granddaughter.
Each character is divided between inner thoughts, rhythmical connotations, and an external participation in the festivities. Thus there are humorous, surprising and provoking distances between the party and dinner guests’ inner lives.


„Forestillingen/installationen har været et af de mest vellykkede ”interaktive” projekter, jeg til dato har oplevet nationalt og internationalt. (…) Dette ”at sætte sig ind i et andet menneske” er en sjælden indlevelsesmulighed og overraskelserne kommer specielt, når man oplever de næste tre subjektive versioner af samme fødselsdag. „ Jesper de Neergaard, kunstnerisk leder av Entré Scenen og Junge Hunde Festival DK

‘The performance/installation is one of the most successful “interactive” projects that I have experienced nationally and internationally until today. (…) This “to sit yourself into another person” is a rare opportunity of insight and the surprices are many when you experience the different subjective versions of the same birthday party.’ Jesper de Neergaard, artistic leader of Entré Scenen and Junge Hunde Festival DK

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